Secure communication for you and your company

Feel secure with your own Swedish communication platform, operated by Challenger Mobile under your own brand.

No new hardware or SIM-card

Your customer simply keep existing and your service with an secure app.

Enterprise ready

Challengers communication services are easy to deploy and maintain in a business envronment.

Strengthen your brand

With your own communications application you will strengthen your brand and tacke control of your business comunication.

Embrace a mobile lifestyle

Users call safely and securily to any destination, from any destination.

Quick and Simple


Mobile calls with the option to call without a SIM card makes life easier for your customers.

Launching a new service TrustCall

Offer employees the company’s telephony directly in existing mobile devices. No new hardware or SIM card to manage. Apps are available from today published on the Appstore and Google Play. Launch of own product website for TrustCall shortly.


The functions you need available in a simple way that does not require manuals and training.


Rest assured that all communication takes place as securely as possible through encrypted and secure communication paths via Challenger's system in Sweden.


Rest assured that communication within and outside the company takes place via the company's own telephone system. Do not leave the control to the respective users to use what seems easiest at the moment or what is used privately.


Vad våra kunder tycker om oss


Var trygg med att kommunikationen inom och ut från företaget sker via företagets egna telefonisystem. Lämna inte kontrollen till respektive användare att använda det som för tillfället verkar enklast eller det som används privat.


Funktionerna man behöver tillgängligt på ett enkelt sätt som inte kräver manualer och utbildning.


Var trygg med all all kommunikation sker så säkert som möjligt genom krypterade och säkra kommunkationsvägar via Challengers system i Sverige.

Om TrustCall

Secure communication for you and your company

With TrustCall, you get the opportunity to have several numbers in one mobile device. Users can, for example, safely and securely make and receive calls to a company number directly in their private device without managing multiple SIM cards.


About us

Developing IP telephony solutions since 2002

Offers companies their own secure communication solutions for employees and customers

Do you want to know more how you can benefit from our secure communication solutions.

Frequently asked questions

Have any questions?

We have collected the most frequently asked questions about Challenger Mobile’s service.

No, Challenger Mobile provides you with all the parts needed for your customers to be able to call with you, from mobile application to call minutes to any mobile or landline phone number anywhere in the world.

No. To use CMVoIP, the user must have an mVoIP number. This usually generates Challenger Mobile based on the user’s mobile phone number. For example, the mobile number +46 71234567 would become 4671234567.

It is very easy and quick to get started. The customer registers his/her mobile number and which mobile phone he/she has for you. This can be done via your website, calling customer support or another system. After that, the customer will automatically receive an application to the mobile phone via SMS. After authentication, the customer can then start the application and start calling with your mobile service. Challenger Mobile builds all the necessary parts to make it work.

Challenger Mobile services supports most devices, phones and tablets, running, Apples iOS and Google Android systems.

Desktop applications for PC and Mac are planned for in order to cover most market needs.

By partnering with Challenger Mobile, you don’t have to worry about any technical investments or high maintenance, Challenger takes care of everything. Your company can focus on marketing , take care of and charge the customers. Challenger systems help you do this by offering administration and reporting tools.